Sunday, March 21, 2010

Digital Convergence

Digital convergence is something that has taken over media and technology, especially within the last decade. With so many new devices that people can use for various purposes, it's very difficult to keep up with the newest technology. Digital convergence refers to the convergence of the four industries: Information Technologies, Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, and Entertainment. Some example's are Microsoft's Xbox from IT to entertainment, and Apple's iPhone, from IT to Telecommunications. Digital convergence also refers to the digitalization of traditional media. Media outlets such as magazine and newspaper articles can now be found online instantly.

One new neat gadget that will be available is the Microsoft Courier. The Courier function as a "digital journal", with an interface that is pen-based and centered around drawings and writing. It also has a built-in handwriting recognition tool and a corresponding website that allows everything to be entered into the device in a blog-like format, which can be very useful, especially for this class when writing blogs! Of course, there's a built-in camera and a media player as well.

Digital convergence is also making its way to television. Now, all televisions require using signals from digital converter boxes when watching programs on regualar television, and all channels are now made digital on cable as well. But, there is talk of something that can make TV even better. Intel, in a joint effort with Netgear, will have a convergence device that will "use Netgear's adapter that uses Intel's wireless display technology to wirelessly connect laptops with TVs so users can watch HD videos and other content as well", according to Intel President & CEO Paul Otellini. The device is called the Push 2 TV.

One gadget that a lot of people have that's taking the world by storm is Apple's iPhone. The new iPhone 3GS has so many cool features. The applications range from going on Facebook and Twitter, checking your email, watching videos on YouTube, staying updated with live sports scores, GPS and navigation compatibility, paying bills and depositing checks, making restaurant reservations, and much, much more. Here's the link to the apple website to get a look at all of the cool features:

Media convergence has definitely transformed media in a major way. But, everyone wonders, "What will media be like in another 10 years"? Well, since many media sources are shifting to the Internet, radio may be the next medium that will come to the internet completely. Also, there may be possible mergers with big companies such as Google and Amazon as well, which will help form some more new ideas with digital convergence that would be beneficial to everyone. Here's a video that will help to explain this:

Digital convergence will only make media more simplified than it already is in the future, and will be very helpful to everyone.

Information from this blog can be found at the following links:

"Digital Convergence"

"Intel's Otellini to Unveil 'Digital Convergence' Device"

"Playing With the Instinct" photo by flckr user Global X using Creative Commons:

Videos from YouTube found at the following links:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Twitter and Facebook-Social Networking

Twitter and Facebook are just two social networking sites that are taking the Internet by storm. Both sites have so much to offer, and they also have so many users as well. Both of these sites have just exploded with many applications, and a person can do so much on these sites that people may need in their everyday lives. Let me explain a little about both of these sites and how they work.

Facebook is a way to connect with people you know, from the past or the present. It can also be a way to network with other people around the world as well. A person can upload pictures and videos, create photo albums, play online games, invite people to events such as parties or weddings, and people and businesses can invite people to join groups or become fans of their pages, too. A person can also make status updates to let their friends know what's on their mind. Facebook is free for anyone to join and it has over 300 million users worldwide.

Twitter, on the other hand, works a little different. Twitter lets others know what people are doing, and also, lets others know what's going on with them, too. Twitter accounts can be linked to cell phones, web pages, or IM services such as Yahoo Messenger, which allows the user to send and receive messages to and from others. The updates that are sent to people are known as tweets. Like Facebook, the site's free to join, but only has over 70 million users.

These social networking sites aren't just beneficial to everyday people. They are also helpful for businesses and organizations as well. They can help promote a business, or, can help create employment. An example would be with Twitter's TwitJobSearch. In the N.Y. Times article, "Twitter Could Become the Unemployed's Best Friend", Claire Cain Miller explains how jobs are now being posted on Twitter. In Miller's article, co-founder of WorkDigital William Fischer, who also created TwitJobSearch, also explains that "in the last month, 340,000 jobs have been listed on Twitter." Fischer says that Twitter is a "faster, cheaper, and easier way to recruit employers." TwitJobSearch scans Twitter for job postings by paying attention to content in which employment-related keywords appear. An example would be if a company is looking for a secretary. The search engine would categorize any openings for a secretary position.

Facebook also helps with marketing businesses. Kermit Pattison wrote an article in the N.Y. Times titled, "How to Market Your Business With Facebook", and explains that a large number of small businesses use Facebook to find new customers, build online communites of fans, and to figure out which demographic to reach out to. Pattison mentions that small businesses shouldn't just market or sell, but they should be more interactive and engage with fans as well. They should also listen to what fans are saying and can pick up ideas on how to improve their business.

Facebook also helps with big businesses and companies as well. Companies such as McDonald's and Montain Dew are among the top 50 companies that use Facebook best to help with their business. McDonald's ranks 23rd and Mountain Dew ranks 18th. To view the complete list, go to:

An example of a company that uses a Facebook page to help their company is Audi. Audi has a page on Facebook where anyone can join a discussion about the future design of its cars. This page would be especially useful if some of those fans will actually buy a new Audi coupe.

Twitter and Facebook definitely relates to the Long Tail because it has resources for all people who just socialize, and for those who are networking to make their business or company better. For companies and businesses, feedback from fans on these sites are readily available for them to see, thus they can make improvements and adjustments accordingly. They're also a democratizing tool as well because they can advertise and promote their business freely on these sites. Social networking sites are just one chapter in the future of the Long Tail and how media and technology are advancing daily.

The following photos were taken from flickr at the following sites from the following users using Creative Commons:

Twitter Logo map 09 by: the next web

Facebook Logo by: Laughing Squid

Information in this blog found at the following links: